Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Fascinating World of Optical Fibers

Seamless and uninterrupted flow of data is the need of the hour. These data are the backbone of any and every business. Hence, it is imperative that the intended recipient gets real time access to valuable data. In order to ensure this, businesses keep on coming up with more effective devices which have helped in ensuring smooth flow of information. Optical Fiber is one of many such instruments.

So what actually are optical fibers? These are wires made of extruded glass or plastic. These wires are slightly thicker than human hair and are transparent. Optical fibers are mostly used in fiber-optic communications and are capable of transferring data over long distances and high bandwidths. Optical fibers are way more efficient than metal wires when it comes to transferring data. This is why optical fibers are the first choice of organizations today when it comes to using a device to transfer information.

Many organizations manufacturing optical fibers have mushroomed in the last 5 years or so. However, designing optical fibers is a complex process. Only a provider well versed in the concepts of fiber optics in Calgary and elsewhere can perform the task at hand with dexterity. Hence, hiring the services of just another service provider would not suffice. It is highly advisable that organizations hire the services of a well-reputed subject matter expert in this regard.

Advantages of using optical fibers

So what is so special about these wires, making them an instant hit with organizations today? Optical fibers are not just any other wires; they are way more advanced and carefully designed as compared to copper wires. Mentioned below are the major advantages of using optical fibers to transmit data:

  • Optical Fibers are highly efficient at transmitting data over large distances as compared to conventional electric wires. This is due to the fact that these wires facilitate unhindered flow of light. Also the strength of the signal is maintained     
  • Non armored fiber cables are bad conductors of electricity, which ensure the safety of telecommunications devices during voltage fluctuations. This is the reason why most power generation facilities use these wires. 
  • A single fiber is capable of carrying much more data when compared to electrical cables. This feature makes these wires ideal for short distance applications as well. Also, electrical interferences like cross talk between signals and environment noise do not disturb the user. The reason being the ability of these wires in fending-off such disturbances.                     
  • Optical wires are highly efficient in carrying full-duplex calls and a single wire can carry as much as 3,000,000 duplex-calls or 90,000 TV channels.
  • Optical fibers are immune to electromagnetic interferences and electromagnetic pulses.

The above points illustrate the many ways in which optical fibers facilitate the flow of information which has made them the preferred choice of companies. After all, data effectively earns revenue for the business. Hence, smooth flow of information is a pre-requisite for the survival and growth of every business. Using optical fibers has helped organizations in achieving this objective.